Q&A with Executive Director David Hines Hines talks about the stoppage to the spring season and has advice for seniors AIA / Community Seth Polansky April 3, 2020
Silvas giving back 1 photo at a time Photographer spotlighting softball seniors who lost season Softball / Community Jose Garcia April 2, 2020
Video gaming helped Brophy Esport standout adjust quickly to new normal Strong staff support key to Brophy's video gaming success AIA / esports / Community Jose Garcia April 1, 2020
Obstacles slow, don't deter Brayden Grantham Red Mtn. athlete looks to better future Baseball / Community April 1, 2020
Huskies show promise before season abruptly ends Unfamiliar territory for all high school athletics amid coronavirus scare Softball / Community Blake Freas March 31, 2020
O’Connor's season lost Senior baseball players tell their stories Baseball / Community Benjamin Garcia March 30, 2020
All is quiet on Horizon Honors field Eagles season has been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak Baseball / Community Nickolas Cooney March 30, 2020
Phoenix Country Day senior left without a season A look inside the life of Daniel Gomez during COVID-19 Baseball / Boys Basketball / Community Marlee Smith March 30, 2020
Peoria seniors lose last hurrah Seasons cancelled by AIA Track & Field / Boys Basketball / Community Dominic Rivera March 30, 2020
Coronavirus cools PCDS's hot start Team reflects on seniors Tennis / Community Austin Nicholson March 30, 2020
Perry adjusting to sidelined season Pumas working out on own Baseball / Community Obren Manjencich March 30, 2020
MLB Draft: Several local standouts are in the mix We had a conversation with Mountain Pointe standout Carson Tucker Baseball / Community Andy Morales March 30, 2020
COVID-19 interrupts Peoria’s chance at the state title Panthers were playing well before season cancelled Baseball / Community Kendall Rooker March 30, 2020
Schools and activities cancelled for remainder of the year Arizona's governor makes announcement which eliminates AIA spring competition and championships AIA / Community Seth Polansky March 30, 2020