Matt Kelley

Keeping Creativity Alive

April 30, 2013 by Matt Kelley, AZPreps365

Keeping Creativity Alive

By: Trevor Forrey

     Style is a timeless outlet for creativity, and it represents one’s character. To have a distinct style, thinking and stepping outside of the norm is vital. Out of comfort, many resort to repetition and blending in, which can be bland. Steer clear from conformity and develop an individual style by stepping out of comfort zones and being daring.

     There’s no shame in Goodwill shopping anymore. “Thrifting,” made glamorous by the Billboard Hot 100 chart’s number one song, “Thrift Shop,” sung by rapper Macklemore, involves shopping at a thrift store, or a shop of a charitable organization, usually with the intent of finding interesting items at a low price. For 110 years, the non-profit thrift shop Goodwill has sold a selection of unique items, vintage and contemporary fashions, accessories and designer labels, all at highly discounted prices.

     “I enjoy browsing the Goodwills and thrift shops of the valley,” said senior Tate Lamoreaux. “First I look for Hawaiian shirts, then I look for whatever tickles my fancy.”

     Prominent patterns and courageous colors can be the key to the mood that the clothing emits. Loud neon colors can be a pleasant sight in a sea of black and gray.

     Varied fabrics and materials also can give clothing a different look. Unlike the usual 100 percent cotton, polyester fabric can give any shirt an unreal shine – and will feel like silk.

     Clothing isn’t the only variable in personalizing fashion; hair, makeup and even accessories can completely change how an outfit is pulled off. Sophomore Victoria Canizales traded her long brown locks for a bold and feminine purple pompadour cut.

     “I’d been saving the photo of how I wanted my hair,” said Canizales. “As soon as the day came, all I had to do was show my hair stylist, and it turned out exactly how I wanted it.”

     Style is a form of expression which makes everyone special. The most important aspect of creating a personal style is to be fearless.