Gilbert Christian Men's Volleyball destroying Ben Franklin.
April 9, 2021 by Brody Curtner, Gilbert Christian High School
Gilbert Christian's Mens Volleyball team is having their best year yet, and is confident in their senior heavy lineup. They're #1 in 4A and undefeated, standing 9-0.
David Fleischer dunkin' on Ben Franklin's middle.
The Knights plottin' and schemin' how to get this victory in only 3 sets.
Senior Drew Reiley sending over a serve in the third and final set.
Ayden Hoyt walking back to serve, satisfied after an ace.
Brady Mccoy serving to a scared Ben Franklin team.
Dave Fleischer 4 feet above the other team, ready to deliver the kill.
Ben Yanez with the game winning kill.
The Knights celebrating their 3-0 Victory!